Thursday, February 7, 2013

Important Question: In last week's project, we indicated that we were going to gear this toward's 5th graders  due to the complexity of it all. There wasn't a time at the beginning of the project where we had to review GLCE's - we thought it didn't necessarily matter for this particular project. However, as I go into Taskstream & look up the GLCE's, first grade is where all the weather and weather measurement standards are. Third grade talks about weather & concepts, but not in detail like 1st grade. 5th grade has NOTHING that would work for clouds, like I chose. Now, I could change my topic, but if we need this to match to a GLCE, we might need to reconsider our overall plans (esp w/ predicting weather) for the other students. What thoughts do you guys have? Cuz we all need to move forward w/ this and make sure our lesson is geared for the right age students. Thanks!


  1. Oh wow that does make a problem! I feel like our project could be geared towards 3rd graders although its not as detailed as it is in 1st grade. I have not personally looked at it, but I will tomorrow or tonight.

  2. We can definitely change that! Sounds like a better idea, didn't realize our stuff was more for the lower grades!

  3. I forgot to post this earlier, but I will do my lesson plan on creating a barometer.

  4. as I was reading the standards and maybe 1st grade would be a better fit. using this standard E.ES.E.3 Weather Measurement- Scientists use tools for observing, recording, and predicting weather changes. is basically our project. I think 1st graders could do our project though, creating the different stations and understanding the concepts may just be at a slower pace.

  5. So on taskstream, there is one section of learning context which is about the unit. this is what the example says:
    This is the first lesson in a unit plan on life cycles. The next lesson will be on the life cycle of frogs.

    To keep our lesson plans consistent, I think we should order ours.
    Wind vane
    Rain guage
    Cloud reference chart
    Predict and record weather
    I basically just went around the concept map to make it go in that order, I wanted the predict and record weather last though and the cloud reference chart seemed to be out of place with all the others so that would be second to last.

    I hope all of your lesson plans are going well!

  6. I already wrote my lesson for 3rd graders b/c 1st graders won't be able to read or research on the internet. It would be a very grueling process for them to read something online and transfer it to paper. Plus I think the concept of air pressure and humidity is too complex for them to grasp. We can make it work for 3rd graders, as it is part of their GLCE's and. Sorry if this causes confusion, but we are already not in sync with what we put on our project from last week (5th graders). I don't think we'll get marked down too much if at all w/ the inconsistent grade levels. We can go back & change it and we can send her an email to explain.

  7. So this taskstream thing only allows you to click on the lowest GLCE level. There's a standard in 3rd grade that indicates learning about weather & such, but when you click on it, it takes it to a lower level that only discusses natural resources. You can't choose the weather option. So for this, I went to MI Curriculum Framework & chose weather under Earth Science. I know the instructions indicate to choose a GLCE, but there aren't any choices there. I'm going to use the framework for now & email Connie about this and see what she says. Just an fyi in case you guys run into the same situation.

  8. Thanks! yeah once I started to find activities online, I found it difficult to fit it for 1st graders. 3rd grade works much better.
